About Me

Hey thanks for showing interest to know about me. 

I am Reko Asikur Rahman, having a graduate degree in English. Now working in the field of internet marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) fields over the last few years. Everyone called me by my nick name “Reko”. I passed my childhood in my native village.

I was born in the year of 1986. I am a Person in the very competitive world. I love writing, Blogging though I am a SEO Professional and it’s my passion. I feel very pleased to write on various subjects. I love my life, friends, music, movies, reading books, writing articles and so on. I am interested to investigate on mysterious things in addition to acquire the substructure of problems.

Reko Asikur Rahman
I am so much sociable, friendly, simply introversion but easy to understand. Basically I am a boy who looks like neither villager none urban. Moreover, I want to stay simple every time. After passing SSC from my native I got admitted myself into collage.

From passing that college I get myself admitted in a private university named “DIU” which is located in Green Road. It is an obscure University though their teaching staffs especially of English Dept. are superb. Still I am studying here.

At Present I am continue my professional life as an Internet Marketing (SEO) Executive at DataPeople Limited & DataPeople Graphics. Here I have to play a great role for the total marketing.

I like writing article and blogging a lot, my blog is- literature for life & reko news24. I am a very hard working guy in my personal life, but very busy with Web life. Always try to get updated with SEO and search engine industry related trends. Have a solid background knowledge on SEO.I don’t feel that I am a SEO expert, but constantly trying to update my knowledge of SEO, for this always try to follow some pioneer world leading SEO expert.

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